Friday, February 28, 2014

Man Powers House With Almost 10,000 Discarded Mini Solar Panels

Ok, I didn't really string 10,000 of these mini solar panels together; yet. Psych! But you could, since it's always the cheesy battery that goes out first in these, and not the panel. The LED is usually fine too, so you could also replace the battery, but it needs to be a rechargeable one, so the benefits gained here are dubious.

I also lack a house to power, as I have committed to being homeless (more fun, anyway) until I can get an earth ship built on my own permacultured land; but that's another story. I have begun collecting these, a couple of years ago, stashing them at friends' or family's houses in whatever locale I happen to be in. 

The LEDs may be saved for other projects, and they are pretty tolerant of voltage variations. The body of the light, with the top removed, makes a great rain gauge or mini vase, or you can stick them back out on the driveway border and fill them with glow stick stuff to have another temporary light, for as long as it lasts. The black stem makes great predator habitat for the garden, and I bet you could come up with about 50 more uses to keep these out of our landfulls. Start collecting!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sovereign Altcoin Exchange; Iran's Golden Dinar

As soon as Iran figures out that a Sovereign Altcoin Exchange presents a fait accompli to the dollar, it is game over. Or WWIII, lol.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Is the US Government Itching for a Fight?

I'm well past the age when things of this nature (that being, this thread title) not being widely commented upon add up to "common knowledge" to my little, possibly autistic mind--meaning, no one has written this article because everyone just understands it. I can't number the times this resulted in some later Eureka! moment. And so I'm writing this as I pack my stuff to go be homeless again; hardly the most qualified, to say the least, and yet a search of the salient terms leads me to zero articles on the subject?

So, since I've dimly begun grasping that this may be my savant power, let me--well, I would say postulate, but to me it's as plain as a nose--declare, I guess, that that is exactly what they are trying to do; entice small, manageable groups (we're all hopelessly divided now) who are prone to a violent response out into the 'open,' so to speak, so that they can be massacred. See, one Gandhi type they have no problem with; a random JFK or MLK can just be offed at will; but millions of Gandhi's, against an obviously militarized police, or an increasingly rabid military, just produces too much internet backlash (even though they are doing this at will, anyway). As a matter of fact, their whole get-down should be obvious by the way they treat non-violent protesters on the whole.

I haven't quite grasped how all the cops in Ukraine playing pussy fits into this--but like I said, I'm really not the person to be writing this anyway. I highly suspect that there is some social engineering going on there.

I have kept the Anonymous Movement at arm's length until now, suspicious of "we will not forgive," and suspecting the movement was a cover for some violent core which never seems to have materialized, despite the rhetoric, which often got heated. But now that Facebook has just completed their latest Anonymous purge, I just don't feel right accepting this "common, but unspoken" knowledge anymore. So, in case it isn't obvious to you--especially if you're a gun owner--you might reflect that that parapolice-guy exhibits all the signs of a sociopath (read, "gang member"), and he has you in his sights.

I am proud of our Constitution, and the recognition of the rights it gives--well, gave--each of us, as citizens. Unfortunately, it does not take eyes to see that those "rights" are now vastly diminished, or non-existent now. If you are what I will call an "active" gun owner, see that now is not the time to be trumpeting it; especially if you are not yet in a local militia. As firm a believer as I am in "What you resist, persists," I also recognize that many of us might be in FEMA camps already if it weren't for gun nuts. If you need a CO who can cook and is a little too smart for his own good, just holler.